by Michael King | Sep 14, 2016 | Signs Wonders & Miracles, Supernatural, Teachings
I use social media a lot–and for a variety of reasons. On occasion I will find a status update about God that saddens me, usually because it shows how little people understand the goodness of God. One recent status in particular stood out to me because it demonstrated...
by Michael King | Jun 15, 2016 | Physical And Emotional Healing, Teachings
In the previous installment of this series (here) we looked at practical ways to engage our faith, and how to use it to manifest physical healing when praying for people. In this final part of the Divine Healing That Works Series, we take a look at power and...
by Michael King | Jun 8, 2016 | Physical And Emotional Healing, Teachings
In the previous installment of this series (here) we looked at emotional triggers, their relation to soul fragments, and some basic means to work with them on our own when there aren’t prayer ministers conveniently available to help us work through our triggers. Now...
by Michael King | Jun 1, 2016 | Angels Demons and Deliverance, Fragments, Alters, Parts, and DID, Physical And Emotional Healing, Teachings
In the previous installment of this series (here) we reviewed the need for emotional healing, and looked at how to successfully begin to deal with unhealthy and unfruitful emotions to step into a place of inner freedom. To move beyond forgiveness to get at other root...
by Michael King | May 25, 2016 | Physical And Emotional Healing, Teachings
In the previous installment of this series (here) we looked at practical aspects on how to cast out demons. Now we will review the need for emotional healing, and how to successfully begin to deal with unhealthy and unfruitful emotions to step into a place of inner...
by Michael King | May 18, 2016 | Physical And Emotional Healing, Teachings
In the previous installment of this series (here) we discussed limiting beliefs, and our need to experience God’s love in ways that speak to us individually. In order to receive healing and step into abundant life, we must deal with all the underlying factors that...