by Michael King | May 9, 2018 | Faith, Reflection, Resurrection and Immortality, Teachings
I had a private discussion recently with another believer, and the nature of the discussion had to do with the scriptural validity of immortality through Jesus Christ. The other person’s underlying question was essentially “if we were supposed to live...
by Michael King | Mar 28, 2018 | Encouragement, Prayer, Reflection, Teachings
A few weeks ago I spent a little time praying about the direction God is taking my wife and me regarding our ministry and another health-related business we are building. I have been feeling a bit lost of late, not sure how to proceed in any direction, in spite of...
by Michael King | Nov 29, 2017 | Beliefs, Inner Life, Prayer, Reflection, Supernatural, Teachings
A few weeks ago I was jumping on our trampoline with the grandgirls, when one of them, playing make-believe, announced that she was vowing something. I couldn’t even tell you what it was, nor what pretend game she was playing, but I immediately stopped her, then...
by Michael King | Aug 9, 2017 | Books and Marketing, Teachings
I have decided that this year I want to work toward financial independence. While that might not seem significant to some, it simply hasn’t been a goal in the forefront of my mind in the past few years. Sure, everyone wants some level of financial independence, but if...
by Michael King | Jul 26, 2017 | Books and Marketing, Spirit Travel, Teachings
Traveling in the Spirit is a gift or ability that has gradually become more widely known in the past decade in Charismatic-leaning circles. For those who are unfamiliar, it involves engaging the spiritual realms by way of one’s soul or spirit. In spite of the...
by Michael King | May 31, 2017 | Prophecy and Revelation, Supernatural, Teachings
Okay, so the title isn’t part of an actual Bible verse, but it very well could be. In Deuteronomy 13 it says that if a prophet or dreamer among the people attempts to lead people away from the God of Israel, that he or she must be purged from the people. A bit...