by Michael King | Mar 14, 2022 | Reflection, Signs Wonders & Miracles, Supernatural
In Part 1 of this subject we discussed the responsibility that we carry toward the Animal Kingdom and how walking in a greater measure of communion with that Kingdom will cause us to need to bear more responsibility for them than we do currently. If you haven’t read...
by Michael King | Mar 7, 2022 | Reflection, Signs Wonders & Miracles, Supernatural
There are many people out there who would like talk to animals. Or rather, I should say that want to hold conversations with animals (talking to them isn’t hard, but understanding when they talk back is another matter entirely). In addition to just talking to animals,...
by Michael King | May 24, 2021 | Prophecy and Revelation, Spiritual Gifts, Supernatural
One of the things about seeing in the spirit is that you sometimes see strange stuff. And when you start to see that strange stuff consistently over time in different situations and locations, it makes you start to wonder why you are seeing what you see, and what it...
by Michael King | Mar 28, 2021 | Books and Marketing, Spiritual Gifts, Spiritual Laws, Supernatural
Hey there Friends of Eden! I am excited to announce that my new book “The Power of Impartation” is available for purchase on Amazon in both print and Kindle, and for you book-listeners, the audiobook will be ready soon! Stay tuned for more details as we get closer to...
by Michael King | Sep 30, 2020 | Angels Demons and Deliverance, Beliefs, Inner Life, Reflection, Spirituality, Supernatural, Teachings
There is little I find more disheartening than when talking to people who should be mature believers but who are somehow still very much asleep to the spiritual realities around us. A recent conversation with a friend highlighted this to me. We were talking about some...
by Michael King | May 27, 2020 | Spiritual Gifts, Spiritual Laws, Supernatural
In Part 1 we discussed the mechanism of impartation and how we can influence its effectiveness in our lives. In Part 2 we discussed what I call Impartation Math—understanding both how we can give to others without loss on our end, as well as how the seed of...