by Michael King | Jan 20, 2016 | Prophecy and Revelation, Reflection
We have a small izu persimmon tree outside the front of our house. We transplanted it a few years back and only this year did it start producing a significant amount of fruit. I am not very clear on what one actually does with a persimmon, but i do know that this year...
by Michael King | Jan 6, 2016 | Beliefs, Reflection, Teachings
On most nursing units the “q” word is never uttered, lest mayhem and chaos soon follow: quiet. Just the other night I mentioned that my patients were doing well and it should be a quiet night, when another nurse said “you just jinxed yourself.” My response was simply...
by Michael King | Sep 30, 2015 | Angels Demons and Deliverance, Reflection
When I was a child, I, as all children do, would act out from time to time. Depending on the severity of my behavior or the level of disobedience I might get a quick “stop that” from a parent or if bad enough I would get a severe talking-to with punishment to follow....
by Michael King | Sep 3, 2015 | Encouragement, Reflection
Almost a decade ago, my wife and I got kicked out of our church because we got married. While this may sound strange (and it most certainly was), that is by no means the least of reasons why people have gotten kicked out of churches over time. In fact, I suggest that...
by Michael King | Jul 8, 2015 | Reflection
Much of my adult life I have been on the low-income side of the financial spectrum, being single with non-skilled work. Almost ten years ago now I obtained my CNA certification and began to work in a low-paid but skilled trade in healthcare, and three years ago...