by Michael King | Oct 26, 2016 | Encouragement, Reflection, Teachings, The Gospel in Movies
My grandkids had Shrek 2 playing the other night, and while I don’t like to re-watch movies much, I sat down with them for a bit to watch, and **spoiler alert** the part playing was toward the end where Fiona and Prince Jerkface (aka Prince Charming) were dancing ....
by Michael King | Oct 5, 2016 | Encouragement, Reflection
As a forerunner, I often pursue topics that are ahead of the curve–and I’ve been doing it for much of my life. I learned how to travel in the spirit around twelve years ago, before almost anyone I knew was talking about it (you can read the story here). Over the...
by Michael King | Aug 24, 2016 | Inner Life, Reflection
As the administrator and moderator of various social media groups, it is my job to ensure that communication within a group is topic-relevant and generally non-offensive (no swearing or name-calling). From time to time I have to resolve conflicts, and most often this...
by Michael King | Jun 13, 2016 | Encouragement, Inner Life, Reflection
Generally speaking, I don’t like reading about tragedies on social media for days on end, and I rarely have anything to add to the conversation so it is uncharacteristic of me to write a blog post on the subject, but after waking up yesterday afternoon from a dream (I...
by Michael King | Mar 30, 2016 | Beliefs, Inner Life, Prayer, Reflection
I have never been known for my extreme patience. When it comes to most things, especially spiritual things, I am all about the shortcut. I don’t see any reason why we should make it a goal to take things as slowly and painfully as possible if we can speed up our...
by Michael King | Mar 2, 2016 | Faith, Reflection, Resurrection and Immortality
A friend on Facebook recently asked a question in the Immortality Initiative–a group I created to discuss, explore, and pursue immortality per Jesus’s many statements and promises on the subject. As regular followers know, I am pretty outspoken about this subject and...