You Are Not the Jackass Whisperer

You Are Not the Jackass Whisperer

As a forerunner, I often pursue topics that are ahead of the curve–and I’ve been doing it for much of my life.  I learned how to travel in the spirit around twelve years ago, before almost anyone I knew was talking about it (you can read the story here).  Over the...
Extend Grace

Extend Grace

As the administrator and moderator of various social media groups, it is my job to ensure that communication within a group is topic-relevant and generally non-offensive (no swearing or name-calling). From time to time I have to resolve conflicts, and most often this...
Shortcuts and Long Delays

Shortcuts and Long Delays

I have never been known for my extreme patience. When it comes to most things, especially spiritual things, I am all about the shortcut. I don’t see any reason why we should make it a goal to take things as slowly and painfully as possible if we can speed up our...