Windows of Time

Windows of Time

We have a small izu persimmon tree outside the front of our house. We transplanted it a few years back and only this year did it start producing a significant amount of fruit. I am not very clear on what one actually does with a persimmon, but i do know that this year...
Entering the Kingdom Age

Entering the Kingdom Age

There is a massive shift taking place in the Body of Christ–a transition from the Church Age into the Kingdom Age. Believers are leaving churches in droves in search of the deeper life they instinctively know is available. Holy Spirit is drawing the people out of the...
The End of Revival

The End of Revival

  I have been in the Charismatic Church arena for over a decade, and while that isn’t a long time for some, it’s a third of my life. In that time I have connected with a vast proportion of current “revival” culture, which is, in my opinion, a highly involved process...
Renewing Our Dreams

Renewing Our Dreams

Something about turning the corner from 2014 to 2015 has caused a noticeable shift in my life and in the lives of many of my friends. It seems like moving to a new calendar year has signified the start of a new period of spiritual and life acceleration. While at times...