by Michael King | Sep 29, 2021 | Faith, Fasting, Physical And Emotional Healing, Prayer, Reflection, Signs Wonders & Miracles
In my teens I spent a good amount of time in the Boy Scouts, including two summers as a camp counselor at a Boy Scout Camp. There was a lot that I learned during that phase of my life having to do with the outdoors, swimming, first aid, and more, but one thing that...
by Michael King | Nov 7, 2020 | Prayer, Prophecy and Revelation, Reflection
There is an important lesson in scripture on holding firm to the prophetic word even when other voices are telling us otherwise. It is one of the harder tests of prophetic maturity, and one that we all will have to be challenged on many times as we learn and grow in...
by Michael King | Mar 25, 2020 | Angels Demons and Deliverance, Physical And Emotional Healing, Prayer, Spiritual Laws, Teachings
In a previous article titled Frame It! Building a Vehicle For Answered Prayer we discussed how to frame up prayer using a model of golden bowls found in Revelation 5:8 and 8:3-5, with a promise of more to come, discussing how prayer bowls get filled and how we can...
by Michael King | Jan 29, 2020 | Faith, Prayer, Resurrection and Immortality, Signs Wonders & Miracles
Raising the dead is an un-touchy subject—in that most people don’t want to touch it. For those of us who aren’t afraid to engage what Jesus commanded us to do, there are a lot of theological roadblocks that often get tossed in our way. A few of the more prevalent...
by Michael King | Jan 6, 2020 | Prayer, Teachings
One of the areas of “study” that I have a personal interest in is that of spiritual laws. And when I say “study” in quotes, its because it isn’t exactly something you can easily find books about (which is why I plan to write one at some...
by Michael King | Oct 30, 2019 | Beliefs, Faith, Prayer, Signs Wonders & Miracles, Supernatural, Teachings
Many people wonder why prayers don’t get answered in the time or way they are asking. Other times, people have listened to a preacher state a single “guaranteed” method to have prayers answered, but when put into practice, they only work a small portion of the time....