by Michael King | Jan 8, 2025 | Prophecy and Revelation
I was out running errands last week with Bruce my perpetual wingman (He’s my yellow lab/some-kind-of-shepherd dog that God gave me this past year—I’ll write about him sometime soon) which caused me to drive an hour across Austin to pick up some weight plates for...
by Michael King | Jan 1, 2025 | Spirituality
As the new year dawns, I find myself somewhat pensive. 2024 was filled with a great many changes for me. A divorce, selling a house, and preparing to move across the country, all while starting a journey to learn more about myself, discover what I like and dislike,...
by Michael King | Jan 31, 2024 | Encouragement, Prophecy and Revelation, Teachings
I just published an article titled “There Will No Longer Be War Anymore” and noticed it getting almost no response, likely due to its peaceful title and graphic that isn’t attention-grabbing. I knew that was a risk when I chose that title, so I am doing an...
by Michael King | Jan 31, 2024 | Encouragement, Prophecy and Revelation, Teachings
Toward the end of one calendar year and the beginning of the next one there is typically a mass-influx of prophets and prophetic people who seek the Lord for what He is saying about that next year. Some people also go off of the Jewish Calendar citing things like...
by Michael King | May 10, 2023 | Angels Demons and Deliverance, Encouragement, Faith, Signs Wonders & Miracles, Supernatural
The daughter of one of my patients shared a story with me about a previous visit their family had at the hospital I work at. Everything I share in this story is what she personally told me: They had been in the hospital at that time for a few weeks when they had...
by Michael King | May 3, 2023 | Angels Demons and Deliverance, Fragments, Alters, Parts, and DID, Identity, Inner Life
I recently had a patient who came in to the hospital for chest pain. But it turned out that his chest pain wasn’t a heart problem—or any problem, really. It was temporary, and brought on by sheer panic. Why? Because the voices in his head were threatening him,...