by Michael King | May 6, 2020 | Spiritual Gifts, Spiritual Laws, Supernatural
Back in the fall of 2006 I volunteered at Global Awakening’s yearly Voice of the Apostles conference. After one of the night sessions I was tasked with driving one of the speakers, Larry Randolph, and his wife back to their hotel. We had some brief conversation...
by Michael King | Apr 15, 2020 | Faith, Physical And Emotional Healing
In the midst of this entire disease issue, I have been using the time to finish writing my newest book The Gospel of Life and Immortality which I am now revising and hope to publish later this year. While doing some scriptural study, I was reminded of a very...
by Michael King | Apr 2, 2020 | Beliefs, Inner Life, Spiritual Laws, Teachings, The Goodness of God
Some people struggle with understanding why God “lets” bad things happen. The “why didn’t God stop it” question has to do with a lack of understanding about sovereignty and God being in control. If God was “in control” like many say, then God is profoundly evil. It...
by Michael King | Mar 25, 2020 | Angels Demons and Deliverance, Physical And Emotional Healing, Prayer, Spiritual Laws, Teachings
In a previous article titled Frame It! Building a Vehicle For Answered Prayer we discussed how to frame up prayer using a model of golden bowls found in Revelation 5:8 and 8:3-5, with a promise of more to come, discussing how prayer bowls get filled and how we can...
by Michael King | Mar 21, 2020 | Faith, Physical And Emotional Healing, Reflection, Spiritual Gifts
These days, the COVID-19 Coronavirus is all over the news. Literally. I’m not sure it’s possible to watch any other news, actually, because if it isn’t Corona, I’m not even sure anyone is reporting on it even if we would be better served by not having 24/7...
by Michael King | Mar 18, 2020 | Faith
Having been in Charismatic circles for nearly two decades, I have been around long enough to hear a good number of leaders, teachers, and speakers say that “Desperation moves God.” Well, I’m here to tell you that desperation doesn’t move God, but that there is also...