by Michael King | Aug 1, 2018 | Inner Life, Physical And Emotional Healing, Supernatural, Teachings, Uncategorized
The past few months have kept me pretty busy, but one of the things the Lord has been highlighting to me is what I refer to as transformation ministry—what most people call inner healing and deliverance. I have been doing a good bit of work of late both with myself...
by Michael King | May 16, 2018 | Faith, Inner Life, Reflection, Signs Wonders & Miracles
Recently the Lord has been challenging me and my beliefs about what He will and won’t do, and more specifically what He will and won’t do for me personally. I watched a video this past week about some friends of mine who have been receiving bread...
by Michael King | Mar 21, 2018 | Inner Life, Physical And Emotional Healing, Reflection
As the son of an Episcopal priest, I was raised in a Godly home with parents who love the Lord dearly. I was taught the disciplines of scripture reading and regular times of private prayer, all of which have held me in good stead in my life. On the other hand, I was...
by Michael King | Feb 14, 2018 | Encouragement, Inner Life, Reflection
Valentines Day is one of my least favorite holidays, albeit nowhere close to my distaste for Halloween. While the idea behind it is literally lovely, I have a hard time matching up with the commercialized push to “do something” for your spouse and other loved ones...
by Michael King | Jan 10, 2018 | Faith, Inner Life, Prophecy and Revelation, Resurrection and Immortality
Some of you may be aware that a dear friend’s husband, Steve, died earlier this week. She, being a woman of faith, didn’t wait and wonder what to do—she began mustering up an army of prayer warriors to stand with her in faith to raise her husband back to...
by Michael King | Nov 29, 2017 | Beliefs, Inner Life, Prayer, Reflection, Supernatural, Teachings
A few weeks ago I was jumping on our trampoline with the grandgirls, when one of them, playing make-believe, announced that she was vowing something. I couldn’t even tell you what it was, nor what pretend game she was playing, but I immediately stopped her, then...