by Michael King | Oct 21, 2015 | Beliefs, Supernatural
Miracles are often thought to be this mysterious thing that rarely ever happen in life and are entirely dependent on God “sovereignly” doing something without our input at all. Fortunately, this is not entirely accurate and there are a number of things we can do to...
by Michael King | Oct 14, 2015 | Beliefs, Signs Wonders & Miracles
Last week I was at a meeting in Albany Oregon with a precious group of believers who are hungry for God and gather regularly to seek Him and to engage the supernatural realms. This particular meeting was set aside to seek the Lord in faith and expectation for...
by Michael King | Aug 26, 2015 | Beliefs, Inner Life, Prayer, Resurrection and Immortality
As many followers of this blog know, I believe the Gospel of Jesus Christ includes physical immortality, as evidenced by many scriptures that speak toward that end as well as things Jesus himself directly stated to his disciples. With that said, I am not discussing...
by Michael King | Aug 19, 2015 | Angels Demons and Deliverance, Beliefs, Inner Life
Demons can be nasty critters–and unfortunately for us they sometimes hang out inside of us and wait for opportune moments to flare up, like a bad case of gout. Or allergies. Or . . . you get the point. I have been “saved” and following Jesus for over 28 years, and...
by Michael King | Aug 12, 2015 | Beliefs, Spirit Travel, Supernatural
The first time I ever tried to ‘go’ into the heavens I was driving in my car on an hours-long trip, talking on my cell phone with a friend named Ben. We were talking about the idea of freely accessing the heavenly realm, and I was the only person I...
by Michael King | Aug 5, 2015 | Beliefs, Uncategorized
I love miracles. If you ask anyone who knows me well, they would agree that I am a miracle-fanatic, and I love talking about them. In spite of this, it can be so easy to discuss the miraculous so much that I miss the big picture entirely. After all, miracles truly...