by Michael King | May 11, 2016 | Beliefs, Physical And Emotional Healing, Teachings
In the previous installment of this series (here) we looked at soul fragments–what they are, how to identify when fragments are at work, how they influence us, and how they contribute to sickness and disease. The last major contributor to sickness and disease is our...
by Michael King | Mar 30, 2016 | Beliefs, Inner Life, Prayer, Reflection
I have never been known for my extreme patience. When it comes to most things, especially spiritual things, I am all about the shortcut. I don’t see any reason why we should make it a goal to take things as slowly and painfully as possible if we can speed up our...
by Michael King | Mar 23, 2016 | Beliefs, Prayer, Supernatural, Teachings, Time and Space
I was listening recently to a podcast by Justin Abraham of Company of Burning Hearts out of Wales. In it he was talking about time, and how we are not meant to be subject to time, but rather reign over it. I have given this subject some thought over the past number of...
by Michael King | Jan 13, 2016 | Beliefs, Prayer, Supernatural, Teachings, Time and Space
Today we feature a guest blog on Time-warping written by a friend. For various reasons she prefers to leave her name off the post, but there is follow-up information at the end if you want to get in touch. Enjoy! “This all started a few years ago when I was...
by Michael King | Jan 6, 2016 | Beliefs, Reflection, Teachings
On most nursing units the “q” word is never uttered, lest mayhem and chaos soon follow: quiet. Just the other night I mentioned that my patients were doing well and it should be a quiet night, when another nurse said “you just jinxed yourself.” My response was simply...
by Michael King | Nov 25, 2015 | Beliefs, Faith, Physical And Emotional Healing
Life is filled with tension, and my job as a nurse is no different. On the one hand I have sick and sometimes terminally ill patients, and on the other hand a strong belief in God’s desire to heal everyone, no matter the problem. I have been noticing my own responses...