A number of years ago I listened to a conference recording from an event at Seattle Revival Center in which one of the speakers essentially prayed for everyone to become disconnected from the energy matrix of our universe. At first, this prayer was confusing as I didn’t understand its purpose. However, as I pondered it further, things became clearer. It seems strange to think that we would want to disconnect from the energy within the cosmos—that of the sun, moon, and stars, as their various energies all influence our lives on both obvious and subtle levels. The goal behind this prayer? To govern over the cosmos instead of being ruled by it.
The concept that the cosmos is governing over us isn’t that difficult to find even in the Bible. If we look in Genesis 1:14-19 we see God creating what the Bible refers to as “lights”, which in this passage reference what we understand to be the sun, moon, and stars, and Genesis 1 says that they were given authority to govern over the day, night, and to separate light and darkness. And yet, while God gave those cosmic forces authority to govern certain aspects of creation, we as sons and daughters of God are not meant to be ruled over by celestial bodies. Certainly we experience a certain measure of their rhythms through times and seasons, but we are meant to be able to transcend those rhythms, not to be governed over by them.
This is one of the reasons why astrology is an unhealth practice for the follower of Jesus. If we are not ruled over by the various celestial bodies, then it would be impossible for astrology to work. After all, astrology is generally based on the premise that our position in the universe and the energies from the various stars relative to our position influence the day to day events of our lives, and particularly this is governed on a personal basis on our individual position in the cosmos when we were born. After all, what we think of as a static location as a planet in the cosmos is roughly the equivalent of a tiny small spinning ball bearing on a rotating top that is whirling around a whirlpool in the bed of a truck that is making concentric ovals as it navigates the parking lot of a circular stadium. In other words, nothing about our movement through the cosmos is static or “in one place” and even on a scientific level it is possible that the gravitational forces of these various stellar bodies influence us each in some small way. And while an individual star might not make that much of a difference, tens of thousands of stars added together could reasonably have more considerable effects. And yet, we aren’t meant to be governed by those forces, but rather as sons and daughters of God we are meant to rule and reign with Jesus Christ over all spiritual and cosmic forces.
The discussion here isn’t really about astrology, but about how to disconnect ourselves from the energy matrix that astrology works under. After all, the reason astrology works is precisely because humanity has historically been governed by the stellar bodies in question and the spirits behind them. As sons and daughters of God whose job it is to release the cosmos from its bondage to decay (Romans 8:20), we cannot expect to significantly influence the current system if we are bound by its rules and regulations.
Hebrews 1:3a tells us much about the energy system we live under, and there is much we can learn from it. It states, “The Son is the radiance of God’s glory and the exact representation of his being, sustaining all things by his powerful word.” This verse is pregnant with meaning. First, the son is the radiance, or light energy that comes from God. Second, it says he sustains everything, which means to continually keep things alive on an ongoing basis. Third, He does so by his “powerful word.” A word is a frequency or vibration or energy. If we put this all together, it basically means that the powerful being of light energy who releases this power from God keeps everything in all creation alive continually by the ongoing emanations of energy that He emits. John 1:2 also tells us that Jesus is the Living Word who is the fabric of all creation, and from Him all life is derived. Acts 17:28a says it this way, “For in him we live and move and have our being.” If for some reason Jesus were to cease emanating His glory into all creation, then we would instantly stop existing. Science has proven that all matter vibrates, but scientists have posited that it is possible to reach a temperature so cold that matter ceases to vibrate. When water freezes, we consider it solid, but it forms a still-vibrating crystalline matrix. At absolute zero, a temperature equivalent to -273.15 C or –459.67°F, some believe it possible to cease all vibration, but I find this improbable. Why? The life-energy of Jesus sustains all things, so I find it highly improbable that someone would be able to negate that life energy via technology that exists and works because of that same life energy.
Ultimately, what all this talk about vibrations and the energy of the cosmos means for us is that we need to be conscious of the fact that our goal is to live outside of the constraints of the energy of this realm. In Genesis 1, God created light on the first day (Genesis 1:3), but it was only on the fourth day (Genesis 1:14) where God created the sun and moon and stars. We have been living under the power of the created light of Genesis 1:14 when we need to live from the creative light of Genesis 1:3.
If we look back at the garden of Eden in Genesis 2:8-9, we see that all the fruit bearing trees were given for food, but the tree of life was the one that was designed to give life. This means that the rest of the food God provided wasn’t meant to provide us with the ability to survive, but rather for our pleasure. In fact, according to Strongs Lexicon, the word “Eden” means “pleasure” or “delight.”
God is bringing this revelation of His abundant life forward at this time, and as He does so, I believe we will learn how to disconnect from the created energy/created light system and tap more deeply into the creative light and creative energy that proceeds directly forth from His mouth. After all, Jesus himself said “Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God”. There is a promise given to us in a few places in scripture where we will not require food or drink to sustain ourselves. That doesn’t mean we can’t or won’t, but that as I mentioned above. it is for our pleasure and not for sustenance. In Matthew 4:4 Jesus quoted a verse out of Deuteronomy to Satan saying, “Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.” Jesus already knew that it is possible to live on substances other than food. In fact, He recognized in John 6:51 that it is the “bread that comes down from heaven” that we are to eat instead
If this subject of two systems of energy, one that puts us under subjection to itself and another we are meant to use to govern over the one one is of interest to you, or if you want to hear more about how we can live unbound from the energy of this world system that requires us to consume food in order to live, or if you simply want to go deeper in the mysteries of all of the promises of God, I encourage you to pick up a copy of my book The Gospel of Life and Immortality. I devote an entire chapter to discussing this topic of energy, light, and how man can live from the Word of God as a higher fuel source for our bodies. You can also dive into my friend Fiorella Giordano’s course on the New Creation Continuum which discusses related matters. Be blessed!