Toward the end of one calendar year and the beginning of the next one there is typically a mass-influx of prophets and prophetic people who seek the Lord for what He is saying about that next year. Some people also go off of the Jewish Calendar citing things like “Israel is God’s timepiece.” Now, while I won’t go into why I believe much of the Body has an extremely flawed and frankly unbiblical view of Israel in this article, what I will say is that whether we pick the Hebraic Calendar or the Julian Calendar system, the trend is still “It’s a new year so let’s see what God wants to say.” I used to do this for myself personally and for friends and family and have fallen out of the habit, but I don’t have anything specifically against seeking the Lord in set times and patterns. What I do have a problem with is the significant number of people who are declaring “War in 2024.” Why?  What we should be declaring  is “There will no longer be war anymore.”

Now, we could argue that by sheer quantity of people prophesying such things that it must mean God is saying it, but I would argue two things: First, its plainly obvious and doesn’t require prophets to tell us this particular detail. Second, even if God is warning of war, why is not the next part of the word “so we need to decree Heaven’s peace in its place”?  I’m a teacher not a prophet so I won’t spend a ton of time in this article judging the words themselves—I’ll let a prophet somewhere do that. What I will do is teach a little about the heart and nature of God and His plans in the earth so we can decide what our response should be to these kinds of words. Let’s break down these two points I am stating in a little more detail.

Impending War is Obvious

It doesn’t take a prophet, or a prophetic person, or even some kind of historian or economist or someone in similar positions to observe that a war has been planned. The military-industrial complex, the money-laundering that happens through war, the penchant for the CIA to intentionally destabilize governments and then have the US military swoop in and “fix” it all while certain players take the opportunity to loot that country’s resources—all of this is a consistent pattern. It really doesn’t take a prophet to see what certain leaders have been pushing toward and leading the nation and the world toward in recent years. I can see this quite plainly and not only do I not watch the news, I haven’t had any angelic visitations tell me about it either. Its just that obvious.

I recently saw a prophetic dream that someone released on social media about a certain situation, and then read some of the comments. One of the comments in particular was rich, memorable, and touches on the point I am making here. The commenter said, “I am old enough to remember when you had to have the dream *before* the event happened for it to be considered prophetic.” The obvious point here is that if you get “revelation” after the fact then how revelatory is it really? And while yes, God can and does explain and clarify things to people in revelation and it doesn’t negate whether that person heard from God, it does speak to the point that we need to expect a bit more from our prophetic revelation. God doesn’t need to give us special prophecies about things that are incredibly obvious. In fact, when we prophesy the obvious it plays to something called “confirmation bias” where we look at the things around us and use circumstances to confirm what we already believe. Since the plan to start more wars is obvious, all a prophetic word is going to do is push on the “confirmation bias” button and suddenly everyone is in agreement with the word and because we already believe it’s true we judge that prophetic word as accurate, only further trenching ourselves in that belief and co-creating it.  Can we please stop helping the enemy by coming into agreement with death, loss, and destruction and co-creating it with them?

What We Govern, We Get

To my second point, here is why all of that is really bad: While prophets and prophetic people are busy declaring obvious wars, I don’t see many of them telling us to decree and command for God’s peace and His divine government to come replace it. And that’s a HUGE problem. The Bible tells us some key things about God’s nature as well as the age we are living in. One of them is in Isaiah 9:6-7a which says:

“For unto us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be upon His shoulders. And He will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Of the increase of His government and peace there will be no end.”

Friends, this is a generally accepted prophesy about Jesus, but let’s take a second and look at what it actually says. It speaks to His nature and plans, which include His nature as the Prince of Peace, but it goes on to say that “of the increase of His government and peace there will be no end.” So right away we can identify that the plan of God is for peace to increase, not war, but it gets even better. Verse 6 tells us that “the government will be upon His shoulders.” To review simple anatomy, the head sits on the shoulders. The shoulders and the rest of the body are below the head. Since Jesus is the head, and we are the Body, then this means that the government isn’t resting exclusively with Jesus and we have to sit here and wait like idiots for Jesus to appear in the clouds and rescue us. Our job is to take responsibility to govern. So what are we governing? If we can decree a thing and see it established (Job 22:28), then why are we decreeing and establishing wars and not establishing the government of God in peace?

Jesus has literally given us authority to govern what happens in the earth.  The Bible says that when everything has been placed under his feet (again, under the entire Body of Christ) then and only then will He come to turn it over to the Father. Even if someone disagrees with the hints of eschatology in this article, none of that changes our mission and our mandate—the increase of His government and peace. We seem to be really bloodthirsty these days, and it is sad. If we keep coming into agreement with war, death, loss, destruction, poverty, and pain then that is exactly what will happen and it will occur because we, the Body of Christ, have created a platform for it, a blueprint, a place for it to land in the earth.

There is a prophecy in Isaiah 2 where it says that “in the last days” that people will go to what sounds like a physical Zion and be taught by God.  As a result of this we will beat our swords into ploughshares, spears into pruning hooks, and nations will no longer fight or train for war. And because of how it is written, people relegate this to a far off someday, when in reality that entire passage can (and should be) taken somewhat less literally than we normally do.

First, if we want to go with Last Days theology for a minute, Peter the Apostle declared we were there a couple thousand years ago, which means we probably should expect this scripture to apply to us here and now. Second, there are very few actual blacksmiths any longer and we don’t use swords and spears as common methods of warfare anymore, nor do we farm the same way. A comparatively small portion of the world’s agriculture is grown using a beast of burden and a plow.  This means this passage might not be entirely literal in nature and war ending isn’t necessarily going to look like literally turning spears into pruning hooks.  Rather, it embodies a concept that communicates we will each individually no longer engage in war. Finally, the last verse of that particular prophecy gets rather overlooked. Isaiah 2:5 says, “Come, descendants of Jacob, let us walk in the light of the Lord.” The entire point of this prophetic word is to give a glimpse of what the future will look like, and then the prophet directly instructs the hearers of the word to start living it now.

Its really quite simple. We, the Body of Christ, have been given authority and power to govern the earth. We just don’t govern the way earthly governments do because our Kingdom is both not from here and also supersedes earthly governments in authority quite significantly. Swords and spears are the weapons of individuals.  When we stop fighting one another with weapons and start coming into agreement with one another for peace, peace happens.  So we need to embody this prophecy now in our hearts, minds, prayers, and in words of agreement instead of waiting for a someday-event while co-creating more violence, anger, and bloodshed with our God-given authority.  It is time we start governing over these prophetic words of war through our own decrees of peace, prosperity, and declare an end to violence, secrecy, corruption, murder, fear, and more. It is time we began to decree the domain of God manifesting in the earth to protect all those who are helpless in war-torn areas. It is our job to govern over every demonic spirit who seeks to cause anger, envy, strife, covetousness, and more both on an individual and international level. It is our job to release the Godly powers, principalities, thrones, mights, and dominions and spiritual forces in heavenly places to go accomplish all that Jesus has planned and to help establish His righteousness, justice, and peace in the earth.

Our mandate is “Make Jesus’s Kingdom and His will manifest on earth as it already is now in heaven.” So let’s stop lending our agreement to prophecies of war, death, and destruction and be about establishing His government and peace, shall we?