In the story of the prodigal son (Luke 15:11-32), there is a parable that loads of sermon messages get preached on with some regularity, at least in the United States.  In fact, I can’t even count the number of sermons I have heard on this particular passage myself—the subject of the Prodigal Son.  Most sermon messages focus on prodigal children in general but tend to focus in more specifically on part with the son’s return in the parable as retold by Luke.  However, I had a unique encounter in the spirit one day that made this parable not only come alive to me, but it was the first of a series of occurrences involving a particular object found in that story:  a ring.

Now, for those who aren’t familiar with the parable I suggest you read it, but what I am referring to is a moment where a father bestows upon his formerly-wayward son a robe, a pair of sandals, and a ring.  I had an encounter once that relates to this story.  I was sitting on the floor in my apartment praying and worshiping one afternoon when I perceived in the spirit that an angel had placed a clothing box in front of me on the carpet—the flat, rectangular kind that department stores gift-wrap clothing in.  Not able to perceive what was inside the box, I decided to physically act out what I was doing (because sometimes physical action helps engage your will and your spirit to perform spiritual actions), and physically made the motions of removing the lid from the box.

All well and good, but once I did that I still saw nothing inside the box.  Now, that doesn’t mean it was empty—simply that I couldn’t see inside what was in front of me in the spirit.  As a further act of faith, I reached into the box with both hands and pulled out whatever was inside.  As I did so, I was able to see that I was holding a big, white shaggy robe.  Having no clue why this robe had been delivered to me, and given how far I had gotten already, I did the next sensible thing and went through the motions of putting it on.  The moment I did this, I suddenly became aware that in the spirit, sandals had appeared on my feet and a ring with a golden band and a cut green stone had appeared on my right index finger.  All three have symbolic importance, but I want us to focus in on the ring today.

The Lord had been gradually teaching me at this point how to see in the spirit more clearly, as well as about spiritual objects, which is a discussion for another time, but the ring fascinated me.  In fact, it was the first of a series of spiritual rings that I was given over time, one of which the Lord gave me as a sign so I would know the wife He had prepared for me—I just didn’t discover that until a few years after I received that particular blue-sapphire ring.  If we want to understand the importance of spiritual rings, it helps to get a good understanding of what the Bible tells us about them.

Rings are not actually mentioned very frequently in scripture, but there are 7 passages in the Bible that refer to the use of rings in relation to authority (Genesis 41:42, Esther 3:10, Esther 8:8, Isaiah 3:21, Jeremiah 22:24, Haggai 2:23, and Luke 15:22), but I want us to read a few of them that I think shed some light in the significance of spiritual rings that the Lord may give us from time to time.

Rings in general had a variety of uses, but in this context rings were most often used as a sign or seal of authority.  In Genesis 41:42, Pharaoh gave Joseph his signet ring when he made Joseph the second of command over all of Egypt, signifying the level of authority Pharaoh had bestowed upon the man.  In Haggai 2:23, the word of the Lord prophesied that Zerubbabel would become “like a signet ring” in context of becoming one with ruling authority.  The passage in Luke 15 referred to the wayward son being restored to a position of huios sonship, a Greek word used to denote that one was a mature adult son—one who could operate properly in authority over the household and its affairs.  While rings in the Bible have mostly been used in context of kings and rulers, regardless of who is using a signet ring, it denotes authority given to one to make decisions and have them carried out by others.

Another passage that is important to read in this regard is Esther 8:8 which says, “But you may write as you please with regard to the Jews, in the name of the king, and seal it with the king’s ring, for an edict written in the name of the king and sealed with the king’s ring cannot be revoked.”  This passage is referring specifically to Persian law, which stated that when something was signed into law by the king it could not be revoked, but it shows us something of the importance of a king’s ring—that it permits us to make laws and rules and to command others.

Now the Bible calls all of us kings, and tells us that Jesus is the King of kings—a prime ruler who governs over all of us, those who are being brought into maturity as the sons of God to rule and reign with Him.  If we are to rule as kings, then we must understand the importance of authority we have been given to legislate, make decrees, and to command others, whether on earth or in the heavens.  While we do not have to have a spiritual experience where we receive a ring in order to extend and engage our spiritual authority, it is still important to note that at times, when the Father is promoting us into a new position in the spirit, He may give us an encounter where we receive a ring in keeping with the established meaning and purpose it holds as found in scripture.

I suspect that many people have had encounters they never realized the significance of—a vision where one appeared, or even a dream where they received a gift of a ring.  Because rings are so closely tied with marriage in Western Culture, it can be difficult at times to understand the significance they hold in regards to authority and stepping into new positions in the Kingdom.  Sometimes people may even give us a physical gift of jewelry!  All of these are different ways that God can communicate with us to show us the promotions He is giving us because we have been faithful with what He has provided us in the past.  Enjoy the upgrade!