One of the things I have written on in depth is the subject of emotional wounds and soul trauma and the resulting fracturing and fragmentation of the soul, as well as some methods one can use to go about healing it all.  I have coauthored the book Broken To Whole partly as a means of educating people about these things and partly as a way of providing solutions for fragmentation and emotional wounds as a whole.  This subject gets a lot more complex than some people prefer to go, but the soul is complex and we all have one, so it seems prudent to me for us to be taught and prepared accordingly.  For those who are unfamiliar with this subject I recommend you start with the following blogs, in that order:

Uprooting the Poisonous Tree—The Process and Value of Inner Healing

An Introduction to Soul Fragmentation.

The Solar System Model For Understanding Fragmentation and Dissociation

For a better understanding of how fragmentation influences day to day life and the inner healing process, and how dissociation actually works in the day-to-day, listen to Dan Duval’s message “The Airplane Model of Dissociation.”

You will also want to pick up a copy of Broken To Whole and give it a read.


Because inner healing is so important to how we overcome as the Body of Christ, I have crafted a prayer that can be used to help pray through soul-related problems.  I call it a “General Prayer for Freedom in the Realms of the Soul, and this prayer is written in such a way that it can be prayed over oneself or prayed over someone else.  It has been designed to be somewhat comprehensive because while I want people to be equipped to pray through things they are aware of, often we have problems we are not consciously aware of or do not know how to address.  This prayer is written in part to cover inner healing needs we have that we are not consciously aware of, as well as to address spiritual forces that we may also not be aware we are battling.  Some of the language addresses things I and others have encountered in the spirit (most of which can be found in scripture if you know how to look) that some may simply be unfamiliar with, but the purpose of this post isn’t to teach on inner healing, but rather to provide a prayer for use, so I am not breaking down the prayer and why I included what I did.  My prayer for you is that you find a greater measure of freedom in your life and the lives of those you love as you use this resource.  On to the prayer!


General Prayer for Freedom in the Realms of the Soul


Heavenly Father I command the hosts of Heaven to go inside the system/soul dimension of _____.  I send them to destroy every stronghold of darkness and to release every captive part of my/his/her soul in every realm, timeline, and dimension of time and eternity and bring them into the safe place in the realm of the Kingdom of Light within the soul.  I release healing light to touch every area of brokenness within the soul and to heal every emotional wound carried by the various parts within the soul dimension.  I send angels to every part of anyone else’s soul who is captive within my/that person’s soul dimension.  I remove every restraint, chain, or shackle of any kind, every weapon or impaling object, and any other devices, implants, or other objects that have been attached, implanted, or connected to those aspects of the soul in any way, and I disable, dismantle, and remove any traps or tripwires that would prevent them from being removed or that would be set off upon removal.  I apply the fire of God to destroy all of these objects and any others I have not yet named that do not come from the Most High God and servants acting on His instructions. Separate out those souls, disconnect them from him/her, and to take them to the feet of Jesus for him to decide what to do with them, and I remove any further access from those soul parts to any part of my/_____’s being in the future.


I take authority over every demonic spirit that has gained access to me/ _____ as a result of emotional wounds.  I break, shatter, and destroy your power and authority over him/her and remove all future access.  I bind you all and every spirit working with you, for you, or who is in any way connected to you and I cast you out of me/ _____, never to return.  I send angels to clean up everything these spirits have left behind, removing every essence, energy, residue, all objects, remnants of strongholds, and to fix and clean up anything that has been negatively influenced by any being who serves the kingdom of darkness whether intentionally or unknowingly.  I loose the fire of God to cleanse and purify every area of the soul that the kingdom of darkness has accessed or influenced, and I expand the light of the One True Lord Jesus Christ to those places of the soul, permanently extending the Kingdom of Light into those regions.  I decree that this work is finished and permanent in Jesus’ mighty name!



For those who are interested in learning more about this aspect of inner healing as a whole, you can pick up a copy of Broken To Whole, a book I coauthored that covers inner healing for the fragmented soul.  As I have developed this model after writing that book, it will not be in there, but in addition to other information, we do provide various exercises the individual can do to help jump-start their journey toward wholeness of the soul.  If you want some help in identifying and working with parts, as well as supporting the inner healing process, you might want to try Fragment Finder, a flower essence that helps resolve the buried emotional wounds which have caused the formation of soul splits or fragments.  For those who really want to dive into their healing journey, you can also buy the Broken To Whole Essence Kit, a package combination of five essence blends and a print copy of Broken To Whole.

Other good resources I recommend and use for Praying Medic’s book Emotional Healing in Three Easy Steps and Karol Truman’s book Feelings Buried Alive Never Die, and for more complex spiritual issues, Dan Duval’s books Prayers that Shake Heaven and Earth and Advanced Prayers that Shake Heaven and Earth.

If this material interests you, be sure to check out the other related blog links below, and sign up for my email list to get updates when new books, products, and events are released!  Blessings upon you!