About 8-10 years ago, I helped run a prophetic training and activation group on Facebook, where I would put on practice-events so people could practice hearing God for one another and stretching themselves by doing it in unique ways such as them not knowing whom the word was actually for. During this time I was learning a lot about Christian traveling in the spirit (insights which are included in my book The Beginner’s Guide to Traveling in the Spirit, available on Amazon), and as Religion normally does, the nail that sticks up is the one that gets hammered down.

In this instance I was being accused of prophetically spying on others in the group and traveling in the spirit to their homes, and not only was I being accused of this, but I was grossly unaware of it at first until a close and well-trusted friend told me what was going on. They had tried to rope him into it by having a group discussion without my knowledge so they could “deal with me.”

While there are multiple issues with all of this, the first is that I had no awareness of the problem they were planning to fix on my behalf because no one told me (and considering I wasn’t guilty of their accusations to begin with, there really wasn’t anything to fix besides their behavior). When my friend told this group of dissenters that nothing they accused me of fit my character and when he confirmed zero people had spoken directly with me about it, he did, which I appreciated.
I then spoke directly to the ringleader, who denied, denied, and denied some more, and then continued to tell me how much she loved me and my family and spoke all kinds of nice words to me. I confirmed again with my close, trusted friend that all he had told me was indeed the case and then readdressed her. She continued to deny everything, and yet while this was happening these secret conversations began expanding into the group dynamics and various group members began to show up where they never or rarely had before to dissent on various things I wrote on the subject of spirit travel. As it became rapidly apparent this woman was lying to me, I ended our communication (with her lying and denying to the last), and the group almost unanimously asked me to leave.

The ironic part is that this was a group to train people in the prophetic, and this was an opportunity to teach people how to discern spiritual things. If demons can masquerade as angels of light and angels can appear as humans, is it really that much to imagine that a malevolent spirit could pretend to be someone else in order to stir up trouble? Only if you are tied so closely to religion that you refuse to actually discern what is going on. A short few years later, Christian spirit travel became a big thing and now it is entirely normal in some Christian groups and some believers center their ministries around this topic.

A long story for a short lesson, but the lesson is this: the enemy will always come up with ways to get Religion to get you to conform to its rules and regulations, and when you don’t fall under its thumb of control the Religion will attempt to crucify you in some way to stop you—much like it tried to do to Jesus.

If God has placed something in your heart, don’t let the naysayers stop you. Don’t let the voices of anger and negativity and opposition drown out your courage to move forward. Always remain firm in the unwavering truth that Jesus loves you, His Undying Spirit lives and breathes within you, and that with God all things are possible. If you can’t fail Him, and He is always with you, then anyone else against you is simply noise. Drown out the noise, ignore the reviling of Religion, and keep walking forward in Him!!