Impartation is a useful method to grow in spiritual power, but when receiving it from others, it seems that we typically only receive a small portion of whatever the other person carries. Thus, it often takes a moderate amount of impartation over time before we notice significant changes. Impartation is much like planting a spiritual seed, but it is also a renewable resource. When imparting to others, we don’t lose spiritual virtue, but rather pass on a seed of what we have received to the other person.
To explain the concept, we are going to look at math using arbitrary percentages I have assigned for simplicity’s sake. While the numbers are kept simple for easy math, we have to keep in mind that impartation is typically passing on virtue in seed form, requiring further growth and development to become powerful and effective. Spiritual virtue flows through us much like a river that collects in a reservoir. When we impart to someone else our reservoir level drops slightly, but is entirely temporary as it is soon refilled by the river of God still feeding it—so we are able to give freely without experiencing any personal loss. Practically speaking this means there is a limitless supply of God-energy available to us in any and every situation. Ultimately, it is the speed of the flow of one’s “spiritual river” that influences how quickly this occurs, but when we give to one another we help increase their ability to be a conduit of the Holy Spirit.
Consider that when praying, we give someone 1% of the spiritual power (or a spiritual gift) we possess. If 100 people gave 1% (or fewer people but a total of 100 separate instances), then that individual’s spiritual capacity would essentially double. There is no limit to the amount of virtue we can impart to others, but if we can only give 1% at a time it will take a while to notice the effects. Ultimately, the goal is to enlarge our reservoir so more can flow through us in any moment. This means that the speed at which we see divine healing, deliverance, and much more should see an increase over time, and really the same will occur for answered prayer as a whole. Additionally, as our reservoir enlarges, we are able to impart more virtue to others when we pray as well. For example, even if the percentage we impart remains the same, as we enlarge our reservoir, we become able to release a greater amount to others. In human terms, 1% of 100 gallons is far less than 1% of 100,000 gallons and our spirits work similarly. As we grow in spiritual power, we have more ability to release a greater measure upon those around us.
Now, if we want to see this occur on a wider scale, we would have to become more intentional about it. And as we discussed in the previous article, we have to not just receive impartation, but do something to assimilate it to truly become part of us. Furthermore, hopefully we aren’t solely relying on this to grow, and are also doing things with what we receive to minister to those around us. In Part 3, we are going to look at how we can use these principles to pursue exponential growth in spiritual power.
The Power of Impartation Series:
Part 1: Growing in Spiritual Power
Part 3 – Pursuing Exponential Growth
Part 4 – Impartation and the Human Spirit
The book The Power of Impartation is now available. Get your copy today!
Delicious, Michael, and thrilling, both. I’m in! That seems a keen insight on something I didn’t know what to do with.
Thanks! I’m hopeful it helps you out! Also, stay tuned–I’ve decided to turn this into a book . . . 😀