Roughly a decade ago, I was working on my wife’s shoulder which was bothering her, and I had a visionary experience. I was trying to concentrate on what I was working on, but had this really irritating picture in my head of something that was doing a sweeping motion that I couldn’t get to go away. Whatever the thing was, it was messing with my concentration, to the point that I was spending more mental energy on making the image go away more than what I was doing for my wife’s shoulder.

At first I didn’t realize I was having a vision, and then I realized that it wasn’t going away due to the nature of the vision, so instead of trying to make it end, I began to pay attention. As I focused in on the sweeping motion, I sort of zoomed out and realized it was a broom that was sweeping off our front porch. Stuck in the cracks of the stone was a piece of paper, which I proceeded to pick up. I tried to read what was on it, but couldn’t.

As I did this in the vision, a really ugly spirit of some kind approached me and said something (I forget now), and I made him leave. Directly after that, I asked Holy Spirit how a demon could appear in my vision and interact with me, as I found that both confusing and new at the time. What He said to me was this:

“It’s not a demon.”

I was like “It’s ugly enough to be one… So what was it??”

Holy Spirit replied “An air spirit.”

I can already hear the sound of a record player coming to a screeching halt as someone says “wait, what?”

Right after Holy Spirit said this to me, He reminded me of Ephesians 2:2 which refers to Satan as the “Prince of the powers of the air.” The word ‘powers’ there is the word exousias, which is used in 2 types of places:

1) used when the New Testament talks about power, also thought of as virtue or energy, of the kind that Jesus used to heal people
2) found in the lists of heavenly hierarchies, specifically Colossians 1:17 and 2:15. In these lists, it’s the same word being used, but in reference to angels and/or other sentient spirit beings.

While one could make a reasonable argument that there is no connection between “Powers of Air” and what I would refer to as elemental spirits, there was something else that made me pay a little more attention to what He shared with me. Years ago, my friend Ben (I talk about him in my book The Beginner’s Guide to Traveling in the Spirit) was telling me once about an experience he and a couple of his friends had. They were practicing their gifts of discernment together, as Ben was a feeler, and one of his other friends was a seer. The name of the game was basically “How many angels are in the room?” They identified 11 angels in the room, except for one thing . . . some them weren’t angels—they were Powers. He described what they looked like to me. Of the Powers, one looked like a fountain. The other one was like a pillar of flame.

A seraphim/fiery burning one caught on camera

Now, I don’t believe in coincidences. When I put that story together with the Power of air that Holy Spirit showed me in that vision, suddenly we have air, fire, and water, 3/4 of what are typically known in mythology as “elemental spirits”. Furthermore, the Bible makes another somewhat veiled reference to this in Psalm 104:4 (which is later quoted in Hebrews 1:7) which states: “He makes winds his messengers, flames of fire his servants. (NIV)” In this passage it suggests that God uses either a sentient wind or Wind/Air spirits his messengers (or angels, as it could be translated), and he has servants who are flames of fire. Interestingly enough, “seraph” means something to the effect of “fiery burning one”. If that doesn’t sound like a fire-spirit of some kind, I don’t know what does. Now, while I’m not making the argument that seraphim are fire elementals, my point is that throughout scripture we actually see more references to Powers, or elemental spirits, than we might realize.

Did you know that elemental spirits are also referenced elsewhere in scripture? They are. Strong’s G4747 is the word “stoicheion” which means the following:

  • any first thing, from which the others belonging to some series or composite whole take their rise, an element, first principal
  • the letters of the alphabet as the elements of speech, not however the written characters, but the spoken sounds
  • the elements from which all things have come, the material causes of the universe
  • the heavenly bodies, either as parts of the heavens or (as others think) because in them the elements of man, life and destiny were supposed to reside
  • the elements, rudiments, primary and fundamental principles of any art, science, or discipline
  • i.e. of mathematics, Euclid’s geometry   (taken from Strongs Concordance,

What the Bible refers to as “stoicheion” are literally elemental spirits–formed of the elements from which all things come from. Stoicheion are referenced in 7 places in scripture: Galatians 4:3, Galatians 4:9, Colossians 2:8, Colossians 2:20, Hebrews 5:12, 2 Peter 3:10, and 2 Peter 3:12. When we read these verses, it specifically refers to elements of creation. Galatians 4:3, the first mention, states “Even so we, when we were children, were in bondage under the elements of the world . . .”

One of the things I have come to realize in my life travels is that *typically* most people are in some measure of bondage to the elements of the world. And when I say “world”, I mean creation and the cosmos, not just planet earth. Think about it. The entire reason astrology works is because we are connected in some way to the cosmos, and even our position in space at birth causes us to be influenced in subtle ways by the energies of other stars and planets. It’s difficult to explain why astrology even works, but it usually does. The problem is that we aren’t *supposed* to be subjected to such things, but most people still are anyway. Thus, there is something about breaking free from the influence of elemental spirits, or at least the ones that don’t serve God, that is important. If Satan is in control of the elemental spirits of the air, then what other elementals are under his control?

While I have heard stories of people who have encountered elemental spirits, I have had some encounters of my own. Some of these spirits serve God, but more often than not they are ignorant of God’s existence and are very self-seeking and selfish. In fact, Colossians 2:8 says, “See to it that no one takes you captive by philosophy and empty deceit, according to human tradition, according to the elemental spirits of the world, and not according to Christ.” Something about elemental spirits tends to involve deceit, and one friend has pointed out that they tend to work through illusion, which makes sense in context of this verse.

elementalspirits earthairfirewatermetalwood stoicheion Galatians 4:9 tells us that elemental spirits are actually far weaker than we realize (it says they are “weak and beggarly”), and from what I understand, they use deceit and illusion to get us to come back in bondage under then, and in so doing, they can use our power as their own. Why would they want to do this? 2 Peter 3:10-12 suggests they will be destroyed by heat and fire, and it is likely they want to use our power to somehow avoid that fate. Furthermore, there appears to be a connection between elemental spirits and getting us to follow highly proscribed rules and religious structures. There is something about getting us locked into definable patterns that helps them to engage and use our power.

I first wrote about this topic on December 1 of 2009, 10 years ago. Before then, there were a few people talking about it, but very few. In the last ten years, God has been giving even more people revelation about this subject and not only how elemental spirits can influence us, but what we can do about it and how we are supposed to bring them under the dominion of the gospel of Jesus Christ. I don’t pretend to have it all figured out, but I do believe that God wants us to have a greater understanding of this subject as a whole.

If you want to hear more about this topic, consider listening to a podcast episode on Discovering Truth with Dan Duval called Stoicheion, Elementals and Rudiments with Ruthie Andrews.




  1. Cynthia Palmatier

    Wonderful insight and revelation. How much of what is here on earth and in the cosmos has been hi jacked by Satan and the other fallen angels. What you refer to as elemental spirits I call underlings. As with all forms of the supernatural realm, i.e. energy work, tuning forks, spirit travel, etc. the Body of Christ is taking back what the enemy stole and used for evil. Much of the church has ran in fear (the enemy’s hooks) and put their heads in the sand when it comes to the supernatural realm. All of this realm belongs to the church, it was paid for with the precious blood of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

    It needs to be Redeemed by the Blood of Jesus. All of the supernatural realm can be used to glorify the enemy or to Glorify Jesus. God created ALL, not Satan. Satan and those that fell with him, has come to “steal, kill, and destroy”. Jesus came to give us LIFE, ABUNDANT LIFE.

  2. karenspeaksblessings

    So although air spirits are not demons, they are still evil, right? And since God created all things as Colossians 1:16 says, God created these air spirits? …unless the devil ‘somehow’ created them for his purposes?

    • Rex

      Satan can’t create anything. God made them good spirits but by choice they became evil. There may be some who did not fall, according to some scriptures.

      • On the vine

        This topic seems to be emerging more and more and seems to be an important aspect of our sonship! Preaching the gospel of the kingdom not only to all mankind but all of creation. And also freeing creation from captivity.

    • myla jones

      I don’t think that all elemental spirits are evil I think God created them and they have a choice to serve the creator. Many have opted to cooperate with darkness. I also think as the sons of God we are to rule over them. When I have run into elemental spirits I ask what side they are on and I remind them of the one who created them. The book of Enoch is a good resource about them.

      • Michael King

        @Myla, I completely agree. It’s not that all are necessarily evil, but in the same way Revelation shows us that some of the angels fell, so did other spirits created by God. And again, all creation originates from God, so God is the one who initially created them. Satan just corrupts what God creates. I also believe that they can be turned back to God too.

  3. Christs

    I spoke with a well educated Muslim once , who explained that humans had been sent to the earth realm, and that we’re more or less of the earth element , demons are of fire, and there’s spirits of air, and of course marine or ‘water ‘ spirits . Islam may be ‘out’ a bit but we mustn’t forget that they historically originated from the same branch and some of their spiritual ‘knowledge ‘ will have a lot of truth to it. Either way true or not it’s fascinating

  4. karenspeaksblessings

    Christs — that is fascinating. I had heard a person who was into deliverance as their main job and assignment from God say that demons can mutate into 2, 3, 4, 5, or several separate spirits. Although I really don’t think I could actually ‘truly’ believe that Anyone besides God can create a spiritual being and I certainly don’t think God created them to mutate, and what a scary thought! It seems like the devil would love for people to believe they can mutate!!

    • Christs

      I’ve heard similar things. I wonder if really it’s a leader type demon with a crew. Eg. If someone has a stronghold of fear, there could be even hundreds of spirits involved that manifest and work with the fear in lots of different ways, like a gang..

  5. thepottersweb

    This was a really interesting read. Before I came to God, I was heavily involved with witchcraft. My eyes had been opened to the spirit world from some of my earliest memories, and around 8th grade I looked for ways to ‘protect myself’ since God wasn’t doing it for me. One of the very first things I came into contact with after I began delving deeper into this was something that looked like a fiery bull standing on two legs (almost like a greek minotaur) with blue flames dancing around it. Obviously this terrified me at first, but it wasn’t the last ‘elemental’ creature I’ve seen. As someone who lived day in and day out interacting with the Spirit world, I can tell you that these elementals and true demons feel very different. I never realized that they were referred to in scripture, but it is incredibly validating when someone comes along and gives a biblical basis for my experiences. I’m definitely bookmarking this to go back and study the scriptures for myself. Thank you!

    • Michael King

      I’d love to hear more about some of your experiences with elemental spirits, as well as any revelation God brings you. You should hit me up on FB sometime and we should connect! And yeah, I’ve seen stuff like the minotaur you mentioned much of my life, I just didn’t have a grid for it as a believer until I became an adult and God started bringing the revelation to me.

  6. aareavis

    “Furthermore, there appears to be a connection between elemental spirits and getting us to follow highly proscribed rules and religious structures. There is something about getting us locked into definable patterns that helps them to engage and use our power.”

    This makes me think of the stories surrounding the Fae and the Jinn. Like…you’re not supposed to tell a fairy your name. Or ‘be careful what you wish for’ in regards to the Jinn. Or the story of Rumpelstiltskin…

    • Michael King

      Wow. Never thought about that, but it makes tons of sense.

  7. Anna Wingate

    I vote for interpretive dance. Oh, wait, you meant me. I meant you! It’s great guided by Holy Spirit.. Ha!

    Seriously, I had an “Ah Ha” moment. In the Book of Enoch, he talks about the spirits being divided and balanced. He then goes on to state some of them. He says the that lightning is a spirit and so is the sea. He goes on to discuss dew, mist and rain. He says they are paired with angels. Light dawns! Enoch is talking about elementals.

    Here’s the link,

    Thanks Michael, great post!

  8. Mooeing

    I was doing deliverance on a heavily bondaged young man. He grew up shaman and was dedicated to many spirits. The gate keeper was named Power and destruction. He said he did time travel work by trapping people in a time loop. I guess he was controlled by an elemental of time?