I was buying groceries at the store yesterday when I saw someone wearing a Raiders shirt, and that instantly got me thinking about how tons of people gather readily and happily in stadiums to cheer for their favorite sports teams on a level that almost trumps religious piety.  I then began to ponder what the influence of that radical devotion is on a nonphysical level, and further considered what effect playing on the home field might have in that regard.  So, today we are going to look at worship, energy, and the home field advantage.

“Worship” means to give worth to something, but tends to mean to give adoration or reverence toward a deity.  However, what actually happens when someone worships someone or something?  I’ll tell you:  they give them energy.  This concept of energy may be super vague to some, but all living beings possess a certain amount of energy or power, even animals, as blood contains power.  Spirit beings also possess power even without blood—it’s simply how things work.  We constantly receive a flow of power from God that we use on a daily basis (see Acts 17:28).  In every interaction we have in life, we give and receive that power.  When we feel energized around people, it is usually because we are on the receiving end, bolstered by their energy, whereas when we feel drained by others they are usually taking more of our energy than we are receiving.

When we engage in worship, we take that energy and send it back to God, which lets Him do whatever with it that He chooses.  Albeit from an unexpected source, this article, part 2 of a 3-part series, gives what I find to be a revealing explanation of how we send our energy to Jesus when we worship Him.  I should clarify that this experience is written by witches who visited a Charismatic church (who I neither know nor condone/support), so their perspective on what is happening and why is not the most accurate.  For example, the “aggressive” feelings the one witch felt that was trying to “reverse the triple soul alignment” cultivation probably was God trying to realign her to Him, not actually harm her as she perceived.  However, I find they do make some very interesting and highly useful observations, especially related to the part about us giving ourselves and our energy freely to Jesus (which they unsurprisingly don’t understand).

At any rate, what these women accurately identified was that when we worship God, we are sending the energy and power He has entrusted to us back to Him to transform the world as He pleases, which they didn’t understand.  Nevertheless, this same dynamic happens in any worship environment—when we give adoration or reverence to someone or something, we send them a portion of our energy.  Knowing this, I formulated a hypothesis about sports teams, fans cheering them on, and what is known as the “home field advantage.”  What I suspect happens is that when fans get together at a sports game, they form what is essentially a corporate worship setting.  With two teams, it is essentially two sets of worshippers worshipping gods who are fighting one another for supremacy, and the team who has more worship-power being fed to them is going to perform better, and ultimately win.  Mind you, this could also potentially include those who are watching the game remotely as well, but those who are present presumably will have the most direct influence on the game via their collective energy.  In fact, this same dynamic occurs at concerts and other places where people gather in large groups to focus their energy, emotions, and attention in one unified direction.

Another interesting component about this collective, corporate worship, also observed by the witch at Bethel in the above article, is something that happens in any similar group setting.  Regardless of the situation when surrounded by people with such a pervasive corporate energy, you can find yourself getting pulled into it.  It’s almost like you are standing on dry ground and all of a sudden a flash flood forms around you, and suddenly you are in the middle of a river that is trying to carry you away in its flow.  It is certainly possible to resist that flow, but it takes a combination of awareness of what is going on and the ability to mount a resistance.  One of the reasons I often avoid movie theaters is that I find the pervasive flow of energy is very difficult to deal with.  I find watching sports uninteresting, so it is harder for me to get sucked in and the flow of energy doesn’t bother me half as much as a movie I actually want to see and enjoy but not get energetically sucked into.  This principle is also behind the “mob mentality” phenomenon, where people can literally lose themselves in their emotions and make really bad choices as a group as a result.  So, to close out this article, I’m going to share with you how to keep from getting pulled in when you don’t want to.

It mostly involves making a conscious choice in one’s heart to detach emotionally from the situation.  A river of energy works to pull you in by first inciting your emotions, and as your emotions get engaged, you unconsciously start feeding your energy into that river as well.    Thus, begin by withdrawing your emotions.  Once you do that, you will want to protect yourself from the river and keep it away from you, otherwise you will have to keep fighting the emotional pull toward it.  I usually do this by envisioning (also known as imagining or visualizing) a barrier of golden glory light around me, but you could also accomplish the same by picturing God as a pillar of rock underneath you that lifts you up out the energetic river, or any other visualization method that you find helps.  The key to visualization is that it helps you to engage your faith and direct your own energy (which in reality is faith energy, among other things) to accomplish the desired effect.  Once you do that, the sucking feeling should diminish considerably if not cease bothering you entirely.  If it doesn’t stop, you may want to consider either changing your location, or if that is not possible, to ask God to send angels to assist you.  Someone who is less visual than me might prefer to pray instead of visualizing, but the end result is the same.  Simply pray that the corporate energy has no power over you, is unable to touch you, and it loses all ability to try to exert its influence upon you.  If the desired results are not reached, continue to pray until it becomes effective.

I hope this helps shed a little light on some of the spiritual interchange that happens around us, especially in corporate gatherings, as well as equips you to deal with it when it occurs in unwanted fashion.  And if nothing else, I have given you a little glimpse into the spiritual world as I encounter it!  Blessings!

1 Comment

  1. Diana M Jamerson

    Michael, this blog post was right along with some conversation that I have been having with Holy Spirit. He has been showing me how this very thing is used via the MSM. People watch, are engaged and are actually sitting under their tutelage, so to speak, with an “open” heart and mind to receive. They then speak (or put power to) what they were told and with the collective voices around our country “speaking” the same version of a story they heard, and believed, there is power to create a mass Fear, Anger, Offense etc. See, I knew that the news sources were lying and it was irritating to me, but I didn’t understand it to this level. The reason Holy Spirit was telling me this was to encourage me as we can speak and bring truth to our homes, cities and even country. As the Body of Christ has now been speaking to the weather, we see the collective voices releasing energy to stop a thing, and we can start a thing as well. It’s really all about unity, knowing that the Lord said, it is “good and pleasant” when we dwell together in UNITY.

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