In my growing experience doing inner healing, I have come to understand that Inside each of us is a dimensional space of some kind.  In this space, we actually have far more activity than we might imagine.  For those who have Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID), this is where the various personalities exist when they are not the presenting part that is using the body at that moment.  This is also the realm where demons inhabit if they are inside someone.  It might be known as an “Inner World” or “Inner Dimension”, but it has a variety of names.  I personally refer to it as one’s “System” simply because that is what my friends call it, but any of those three names are equally relevant, as might many more.

Luke 17:21 references this inner realm, saying, “nor will they say, ‘See here!’ or ‘See there!’ For indeed, the kingdom of God is within you.”  Consider what that might mean.  The Bible says that we each have the Kingdom of God inside of us.  That passage doesn’t say that Jesus lives in us (although He does for those who are saved), but that within us is an entire realm of the Kingdom of God.  Let that sink in.  We know the Kingdom of God isn’t a tangible location on the earth.  I can’t buy a plane ticket and fly there for the weekend, but we know it still exists, so its location must be other-dimensional.  Some argue that it is a dimension that overlays ours, others think it is in outer space somewhere.  I think it is probably both and more, but it is clearly also a dimension within each one of us.

This has some interesting implications.  As I mentioned above, this inner System is where demons go when they are inside someone.  Luke 11:24-26 says, “When an unclean spirit goes out of a man, he goes through dry places, seeking rest; and finding none, he says, ‘I will return to my house from which I came.’  And when he comes, he finds it swept and put in order.  Then he goes and takes with him seven other spirits more wicked than himself, and they enter and dwell there; and the last state of that man is worse than the first.”  Also echoed in Matthew 12:43-45, this passage contains some interesting secrets.  While I will not delve into the Greek here, there are some interesting details having to do with translation—ultimately the passages should say that the house is swept, ornate, and empty (read this article if interested in the Greek)

When we cast demons out of a person, if all we do is cast it out and do nothing to influence how the demon was able to get inside the system to begin with, then the demon will simply return later, find that the system it left earlier was cleaned up a bit and made nice and pretty for it, and it will bring roommates with it.  When I cast out a demon, I first find out how it got access to begin with, and we remove the point(s) of access, often through prayers of renunciation.  After making the demon leave, I pray for Holy Spirit to fill up every place the demon vacated.  In doing so, it stops being swept clean and empty, but rather the door locked to the demon, swept clean, and filled with God’s glory.

This inner dimension can fit a lot of stuff because it isn’t relegated to the size of our bodies.  Angels can be in there, demons can reside there, and Jesus can be enthroned in that dimension as well.  This inner dimension is where strongholds are located.  The Bible speaks in 2 Corinthians 10:4-5 about them, saying “The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds.  We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.”  At first glance it appears that Paul is talking about demolishing arguments other people are making, but if you read the sentences more closely, it actually seems Paul is talking about the inner world.  We cannot take other people’s thoughts captive; only our own, so Paul is clearly talking about our own inner soul here, at least to some extent.  Thus, if we understand that strongholds are some kind of castle or fortress, it makes far more sense that we can have strongholds inside us when we realize they exist inside the System.  When we use the power of God to demolish those strongholds, we are waging war internally against the demonic, taking over Kingdom ground within us.

One observation about the Inner System is that we can create anything there that we want, literally by saying it.  Job 22:28 says, “You will also declare a thing, and it will be established for you; so light will shine on your ways.”  We create things with our words, and the workings of the System is a very good indicator of this.  For example, I was recently working with one of my granddaughters, and this particular part was upset because she felt God doesn’t answer her prayers.  I had this part ask God why her prayers aren’t answered, and from what she relayed to me, one of the reasons had to do with a lack of faith.  She wasn’t sure what to make of that, so I began to explain what the Bible says about faith being a tangible force and energy, and then said “There is faith right in front of you.  Look at it and tell me what you see.”  This part, who is looking in front of her while inside the system says “Oh, I see this glass vial with blue liquid and it has a cork in it.”  My declaration that faith was in front of her caused this spiritual item, a small glass bottle to appear inside her System.  We must remember that God spoke and in speaking created myriads of realms, and we are made in His image.  When I am doing inner healing with someone and speak something in faith, I release it into their inner system, and they can verify that it is there.  This happens consistently, not just with that vial of faith (which, by the way, I had that fragment drink and she informed me it tasted like strawberries, cherries, and chocolate. What fun!).

When we decree a thing into the System, we establish it in the inner dimension.  Because I know this when I start working with someone I make sure to add a few things that will help them.  I decree a spring of the water of life appears in their system, that continually flows and turns into a river that runs throughout the entire system.  I decree the Tree of Life is planted inside the System as well, and oftentimes parts who like gardening will grow them in their garden, which is again located inside this inner world.  I have a friend who had one fragment who likes to garden, and this part began to weave small rafts of willow leaves and sends plant starts down the river into other areas of the System that we haven’t been able to access yet.  The third thing I usually do is I decree a Healing Center into existence, and if the person doesn’t have any fragments or alters who are good at doing inner healing work (such as with my grandchildren) I staff the Healing Center with angels. By decreeing it, God assigns angels and they get sent into the System to staff the Center.  All of these things have long-term positive benefits and ensure that healing is taking place inside even if we aren’t doing inner healing prayer at that time.  And all of it occurs simply by declaration!  No wonder the power of life and death is in the tongue!

I began pursuing inner healing and deliverance around fifteen years ago, in my early twenties, and working with the System is the fastest, easiest, and most effective manner of ministering inner healing I have ever seen.  The reality of the Inner World is important to understand, and it helps provide a practical backdrop to understand where demons reside in a person before they are cast out and how multiple personalities can function.  In general it helps us understand how we can work with the functions of the multidimensional reality we live in to help bring the healing power of Jesus Christ to the individual.


  1. MsK

    This confirms something that Holy Spirit has led me to do concerning decreeing. When I decree things in general, He has led me to decree INWARD. I decree things into myself and then into the atmosphere.

  2. Samuel

    This just lead me to think to add more positive things to my inner world. i can see my inner world if i focus on seeing in the spirit. i have added a healing center, idea factory (for creative ideas), and the tree of life.