There is a lot going on politically in the US right now, and one of the subjects the media is unlikely to talk about is Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA) and one of the resulting problems it creates in the victims, namely Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID). To learn a little more about fragments and where they come from, you can read my blog article titled ‘”Fragments – Part 3 of Divine Healing That Works”

Fragments – Part 3 of Divine Healing that Works

It is expected that in the next year or so, although probably much sooner, we are going to see a lot of new information come to light about sex trafficking, satanic ritual abuse, mind control, ritual human sacrifice, and other perverse activities occurring in the highest levels of the US government, media, and entertainment. What I believe we are going to see is that there are a great many SRA victims that no one knew about. How is this possible?

SRA involves, among a slew of demonic rituals and other dark activities, what is essentially a combination of brainwashing, hypnotism, and subconscious Pavlovian suggestions, creating what is termed a “program”. Many SRA alters are the results of this purposeful programming, such that they respond in very directed, predictable ways depending on the external stimuli such as special words or symbols. These victims also have a lot of curses and demonic control that further complicates the issue, but intentional fragmenting of the soul to create alternate identities that can be brainwashed is a key part of this process. It is believed that some of the perpetrators of recent school shootings may have been victims of such programming. The CIA used to run Project MK Ultra, a set of mind control programming experiments, to learn how to do this very thing (For those who have seen the movie The Manchurian Candidate, this is a perfect example of people who have undergone MK-Ultra level mental programming but who are not SRA.). You can read the Wikipedia entry on MK Ultra here for those who are interested.  While the CIA publicly acknowledge that they shut down the MK Ultra program, which is technically true, it has moved past the experimental phase and simply has another name.

Whether SRA, CIA programming, or a combination of the two, the end result is going to be the same—alternate personalities (alters) that are essentially a fractured-off part of the individual’s soul that has formed its own unique identity. These alters may have programs that are very damaging, while others are more mundane—it varies from person to person, situation to situation, and alter to alter. I have an SRA friend who gave me her new cell phone number once, and later gave me a different one. Why the two numbers? The first time, an alter who isn’t usually responsible for handling that sort of thing gave me the number, and gave me the wrong one. Whoops! I remember hearing a story of another friend who walked into her kitchen and realized she had received some inner healing because all of her kitchen cabinet doors were open—she had unknowingly integrated the part who was responsible for shutting them. These are mundane stories but demonstrate experiences one might have if he or she has DID. Different parts do different things, and they don’t always share memories, so sometimes someone will have gaps in their memory because their core self wasn’t “awake” at the time an event occurred—an alter was and the core self didn’t have that memory.

I believe we are entering a new phase in history—a Great Awakening. I expect it will be filled with liberation of many of the governments of this world from corruption, as well as a mass-freeing of many who have been subjected to sex slavery, satanic ritual abuse, mind control, and much more. As this happens, however, we will need to have the right tools to help those around us who are struggling with demonic curses, split personalities, and mind programming. To do this, I believe we can do four things:

1. Become more aware of the problem. This can be done in a variety of ways, but even a cursory internet search will yield useful and helpful results. Amazon has a plethora of books on the subject as well. I have coauthored a book on the subject of fragments, alters, and inner healing titled “Broken To Whole“, available on Amazon. Two of the coauthors, Matt Evans and Diane Moyer, have written another book along similar lines, titled Divine Healing for Spirit, Soul, & Body.

2. Become aware of our own parts. As touched on in some of my other articles on the subject of fragments, alters, DID, and SRA, every person has fragments, but most people are unaware of them. Self-awareness and working on self-integration will help the individual prepare for working with or even just befriending others, as it gives perspective on what someone else could be experiencing. My article titled DID Self-Healing; Integrating Fragments and Alters is a useful resource to help move forward with this. A caution, it doesn’t work well for people who are SRA victims, as they tend to pass out and are unable to actually do the exercise. If anyone wants to work with a prayer counselor of some kind, you can go to our Resources page for a list of possible options.

3. Help others become more aware of the issue. With the advent of social media, this is very easy. For example, sharing this article or any of the others I have written on this subject on social media is a simple way to raise awareness with minimal effort. A simple internet search will yield a plethora of articles and information that can be shared with family and friends with the click of a button. Not everyone will gravitate to these subjects, but we all owe it to ourselves and those around us to become aware of the basics of this subject, if for no other reason than to not be caught unaware in the future. There may be people you or I know who have mind-programming and aren’t even aware of it until they read something you shared about the signs and symptoms of SRA. Dan Duval and Bride Ministries are a great resource for both personal learning and raising awareness.  I also highly recommend the following informational resource: SMART – Ritual Abuse

4.  Pray.  Prayer is the foundation for anything we want to see happen.  If we want corruption and evil exposed in the government, media, and entertainment industries, we pray.  If we want to see people set free from this kind of bondage, we pray.  Regardless of the situation, irrespective of the need, prayer should be the first solution to every problem.  Let us pray for God to open our eyes to the truth, and show us how to walk in freedom and life.




  1. Sue Beckman

    Good start Michael….an opening chapter, of sorts.
    I know there’s more.

  2. John Curtis

    Thank you Michael.

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