I opened up a somewhat leading question on social media this week having to do with hell and God’s love.  The initial post read as follows:


Question: Is hell something that God created?

If so, then don’t the scriptures agree that even hell cannot keep God’s love away?

“For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Romans 8:38-39

What if even though hell exists, and people do go there, that Jesus, the lamb who was slain in both time and eternity (Rev. 13:8), is still able to save because His love never fails (1 Cor 13:8), and nothing in all creation is able to separate us forever from His love??








We have been discussing things such as what hell is or isn’t, does God love Satan, what the passage in Luke about Lazarus, the poor man, and Abrahams’ bosom means, and more.  The conversation has had its ups and downs, the ups largely being mature adult discussion and open dialogue, and the downs being pharisaic finger-pointers who brought nothing to the conversation (I had to delete one or two who could do nothing other than be rude to others), there was one particular story that stuck out at me such that I wanted to share it with all of you (done with permission).  This story is by Ashley Cook, and she shared a dream the Lord gave her after her dad died.  I don’t give post-dream commentary because I think it speaks volumes all on its own.  I hope that as you read, regardless of what you believe about hell, judgment, etc. that you will be touched by the vast and truly inexhaustible love of our Heavenly Father.


“When my Dad passed away, I was unsure of his salvation. I prayed and interceded, as the war for his soul was tangible at times. When I finally left his side to go home to rest on my birthday, I had a dream. It was my Dad meeting Jesus. My Dad was wearing this old worn out armor, with holes everywhere. In the dream, Jesus showed my Dad the cross and explained to him why He did it. Then, for the first time my Dad looked into the eyes of Jesus. Before he had been too ashamed to look him in the eye. And suddenly as He looked into the heart of pure love, my Dad could not deny Him. That one look brought so much love, and truth. My Dad’s armor turned into a beautiful shiny silver armor! I knew then my Dad had believed.

When I woke up I began to praise God. He spoke to me and showed me that He gives everyone one final opportunity to believe. He said “Do you think anyone can look into my eyes of love and still deny Me?” I believe in God’s mercy and grace, that when people die they are taken to meet Jesus personally and have one final opportunity to believe in or deny Him. I can’t say if there may be those who still deny Him and where they may go, but I have surely learned that God thinks way beyond my capacity to comprehend, and I should not think that the scripture is anything less than multidimensional!”



If anyone wants to join the discussion on Facebook, you can find it here.

If you want to read more about a view of God that doesn’t ignore the “bad stuff” and doesn’t give anyone a “free pass”, but recognizes God’s love is still preeminent above all things and that eventually Jesus’ love, expressed through His power of redemption, will redeem all things, then check out Richard Murray’s website, and especially his books, found here: The Goodness of God.  Many of his books are available for free on his website, and print copies of some of his work is available on Amazon as well:  Richard K. Murray on Amazon.  Richard has done a ton of research and his librarian-like mind is able to compile vast quantities of data from church history and the scriptures to share an exceedingly Christ-like view of our future.  This man impresses me.

If you want to read some fiction books that will encourage you with an overcoming, positive post-earth view of heaven, check out Tyler Johnson’s books The Coming and The UnredeemedThe Unredeemed is one of my favorite books of all time.  If you read them, you will be blessed.





  1. Sue Beckman

    Loved this Michael! Thanks for encouraging folks to think deep and not shallow.

  2. Donna

    Very thought provoking. Wish I knew the answers to things like this. Now if God thought like me, I could give an answer. But we all know that His thoughts are higher than ours are. We also are seeing through a glass darkly. There will come a time when we will see face to face. A study on hell, or one on heaven, or any topic in the bible, always takes the Teacher, the Holy Spirit. Such discussions are interesting.
    I had parents that have died. One, my mother, prayed before death. One, my dad, refused to pray. It was very troubling to me. Several years later, I dreamed about my dad. He came to my door, a cup of coffee in hand, all smiles and looked young, and handsome. He said he was checking to see if my door was locked. It was. He turned to go down the steps and said,” your grass needs mowed.” It was as he walked away that I realized he was my dad. In this life my dad had a speech impediment. In the dream he spoke crystal clear. I had never heard his voice like that before, and thus for why I didn’t realize who he was. It dawned on me,’ that was my dad!’ Don’t think I haven’t sit around for days thinking on that dream, because I have. It encouraged me in ways of relief. If you love and care, it’s a troubling thing to think about your dad being tormented by the devil for eternity. There’s no comfort in hell. There is comfort in the power of the cross and in those days Jesus was ‘dead’ in that tomb. Hell got a visit from The Great I Am. I don’t imagine it has been the same since!

  3. Samuel

    This reminds me of the testimony that David Hogan shared. A man who spend 30 years opposing David Hogan died and was raised to life. The newly resurrected man shared how he was on a path to a lake of fire and 3 pastors who he martyred begged him to stop. The love of the 3 martyrs convinced the man to turn back. When David Hogan shares stuff like this he always says this isn’t even legal but God is God and will do what He wants.

    • Michael King

      Lol. “Isn’t even legal.” Love it!

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