In Part 1 we discussed the nature of mythical creatures, looking at whether or not they could be something a bit more than “just demons” as the typical Christian party line goes.  We also reviewed at how oral tradition shapes our understanding of real life events, and how that influences our current day beliefs.  You can read Part 1 here.


What do we need spirits to shepherd creation for?  Isn’t that our job?  Whether I sow or reap or plant or whatever, whether I watch it or not, a seed will grow without my help.  But will it grow well?  A mother can birth a baby without help, but will that labor go well?  Nature spirits are essentially the shepherds and midwives of the plant world.  They help plants, trees, and most likely even animals to grow and flourish.  Most often we as humans are busy with our own lives, not busy shepherding plant growth on a remote island or deep in the Amazon.  We appreciate that these plants grow on their own, but I believe they actually have God-created, God-ordained spiritual helpers.


Even so, what does the activity of Nature Spirits have anything to do with us humans?  What if we could work together with the Nature Spirits to help manifest the abundant life that Jesus came to deliver?  What if, in the same way we partner with angels, we could partner with these other spirits? When Jesus calmed the storm (Matthew 8:26, Mark 4:39), was he speaking to the actual storm, or to weather spirits controlling it?  What would happen if we as believers started interacting with the spirits that cause storms?  What if a group of believers risen up and successfully dealt with the spirits that caused Katrina—what might have happened?  If believers who understood the inner workings of the tectonic plates but also the spirits that govern the shifting of those plates had been able to work with them to slow the movement and do it in many smaller increments, maybe the catastrophic earthquakes and tsunami in Fukushima, Japan, back in 2011 could have been prevented.


Some of the big-ticket items that are planetary concerns include global warming, rainforest deforestation, forest fires, famines, and world hunger.  The world has turned to GMOs to find ‘better’ ways to produce crops that are resistant to blight, insects, poor environment, and pollution by altering the very fabric of created things.  They have turned real food into hybrid food that is half real, half laboratory.  Our bodies aren’t made to eat lab food.  We are concerned about our water supply, but then pollute it with oil spills, tanker accidents, trash, chemtrails, and fluoridate our water supply.  At some point, all of this tinkering with nature is going to bite us in the rear.  But what if there is a better way?  I believe that as we partner with these spirits that God has delegated the shepherding of creation to, we will see crops that grow bigger, faster, stronger, with fewer pests, rot, and disease, and will be able to feed far more people with the same number of plants due to higher fruit-bearing with greater nutrient density.  We would be able to regrow the rainforests, but faster than ever before.  We would still be able to use wood as a fuel source, but replenish it as fast as we used it instead of slowly depopulating our world’s trees.  It’s the kind of stuff in the Bible where God does above-and-beyond, and we usually call that stuff miracles, but what if there was a set of spirit-beings that govern some of that stuff that we have completely ignored?  I believe in the future we could possibly enter a time where we will need that super-growth of food.  The human population is on the rise, and a famine could do serious damage worldwide.  When the nations of the world are crying out in hunger, we will need to engage all of heaven’s resources, not just some of them.  I believe quite firmly that Jesus died, as Heidi Baker says, so we would always have enough.  I believe He is the solution to every problem this earth faces.  Yet I also understand that God has given us both spiritual power and spiritual wisdom.  Sure, we can multiply food.  But God also gave us every seed-bearing plant for food.  It’s not a matter of choosing one or the other—I think He wants us to do both.


And where is Jesus in all of this?  I think He is the same place He has always been—enthroned in our hearts.  Sometimes I think ideas like this can be threatening because it upends our worldview.  It changes what we think is possible, and sometimes it makes us look at things in new and uncomfortable ways.  In reality, I think this is one of the safest “new ideas” out there.  Why?  Because it doesn’t threaten or change a single thing about the gospel or the Bible.  It truly doesn’t.  In fact, it could make certain things in the Bible make more sense, not less.  I mean, what was Paul talking about when he spoke of Thrones and Dominions and Powers and all of those things?  Yes, many believe them to be a hierarchy of angels, but what if some of those beings are nature spirits?


At the end of the day, we have to use discernment for everything.  It doesn’t matter who or what the spirit says it is, we must discern wisely.  I have encountered some really freaktastically evil nature spirits, and some really awesome ones as well.  At the end of the day, discernment is always key.  Test the spirits.


One last radical thought—the Bible says that Israel will blossom and flower and bloom one day.  What if this was the answer? With nature working with you, you can grow literally anything anywhere, even in a desert.


I don’t pretend to have all the answers, but I know I have a lot of the right questions.  At some point, we as the Body of Christ, the Church, can’t continue to ignore this subject forever.  I have seen these kinds of beings in the spirit for decades.  I have had people contact me privately to tell me stories they have never told anyone else about nature spirits they encountered simply because they didn’t know anyone else who wouldn’t think they were either crazy, a heretic, or demon possessed.  I recognize this isn’t necessarily the most popular subject to some, but I don’t think we do ourselves any favors by not discussing it.  So why not, here, why not now, why not us?  Over time God has put me in contact with people, mostly Believers, who each carry a piece of the puzzle.  I have been turned on to books here and there that have revealed new possibilities to me, new things to ask the Father about regarding this subject, and yet I think with all our wisdom and insight we understand so very little about the vast creation God made for us.  The secret things belong to the Lord, but the revealed things are for us and our descendants forevermore (Deuteronomy 29:29).  It’s time to seek out some of the mysteries of the Nature Kingdom and live in them.


If you want to read more about this subject, check out the following:

Fairy Spirits and the Lamb of God – Part 1

Devas, Nature Spirits, and Talking With The Trees

Engaging the Stars of Orion’s Belt



  1. Deborah

    More, please!! Are you writing a book about this? Books that you recommend? I think I remember trying to find the book about Findhorn that you talked about before, but I believe it’s out of print. How would I – for instance – connect with the nature spirit of my orchid, as a starting point? How would I learn discernment from this exercise? Thanks again so much for stepping out so boldly!

    • Michael King

      It is out of print, but you can find copies on Amazon.

      And good questions—I’ll have to work on answering them at some point here.

      • Deborah


  2. Saralou Pedigo

    Michael I’m not sure you want to link, nor am I certain I have the book you mentioned …. brings up 769 titles with Findhorn in the name in prices ranging from 31¢ to hundreds. Great resource.

    In another vein, you handle this subject very artfully. Well done.

  3. Samuel

    Some past revivals were marked by supernatural abundance of nature. The kentucky revival lead to an establishment of the deer and elk population. Revivals in Guatemala brought in super sized vegetables for harvest. This is documented. Many spirit led gardeners have seen an abundance in their garden when they speak life and blessing over their plants.

    • Michael King

      Makes sense to me!! Where the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Life reigns, I would expect that all creation would fall in line. And if there are other spirits responding to those commands, why not? I see it much the same as when Jesus sent the angel to heal the centurion’s daughter.

  4. Christa

    I had someone tell me once that after a head injury they started to see fairies. She wasn’t born again but now is. I thought ‘oh probably they were demons’ but I don’t know know how they’d be classified! I suppose there are those spirits that obey our creator and those who don’t…

    • Michael King

      I’m sorry she had the head injury, but the fairy part is kinda cool 😎


  1. Fairy Spirits and the Lamb of God - Part 1 • The Kings Of Eden - […] week we are going to look at this subject further (read part 2 here), pondering what God’s purposes might…

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