The wind of my Spirit is blowing afresh on hearts, filling people up with new peace, hope, and joy. There is a war going on to steal your joy, and those who focus on my goodness in trials will find it easier to overcome. Truly, I have said before that you will have trials, but take heart for I have overcome every trial and tribulation in this world. Take heart–I AM your peace in the midst of storms. Fix your eyes on me, your author and perfector of your faith, for I will carry you through the storms.

Some of you are losing heart because of the battle that is in front of you. This is understandable because your road has been hard. Continue to press through, for I am the God of the promises, and my Word does not return to me void. Jesus died to set you free, so continue to set your eyes on Him and continue to believe. Some of you need to fast, for you have done all you can, and now it is time to stand–stand in fasting and prayer on the promises to see My Kingdom manifest in the earth.

There is a window of time this week–a grace for fasting. Even as some have called for national days of fasting and prayer, there is a window of time this week for personal fasting as well–to see breakthrough in personal situations and to bring change into your families. Set aside time this week to sit with me, and I will bring wisdom into your circumstances. Set aside time to be with me and I will give you rest.

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